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School of Humanities
School of Low
School of Economics
School of Teacher Education
School of Regional Development Studies
School of International Studies

Message from the Dean

Kanazawa University has the College of Human and Social Sciences, the College of Science and Engineering, and the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. The students belonging to the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences learn about the causes of illness, and the methods to cure them; and the students belonging to the College of Science and Engineering learn about the laws of nature and the methods to apply the laws to technologies. However, what do the students belonging to the College of Human and Social Sciences learn? Of course, you will reply that students learn about humanity and society. It is an appropriate description of these areas of study. Since the students belonging to the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences learn about the “causes” and “methods,” and the students belonging to the College of Science and Engineering learn about the “laws” and “methods,” it is clear what scientists are required to do. In contrast, what should the human and social sciences elucidate? Should these disciplines clarify any laws or develop any methods? Or is it sufficient just to establish a fact?

The objectives of the research in these disciplines have long been debated and they are still being discussed. My opinion may not be the opinion of the majority, but I would like to proclaim that human and social sciences should elucidate the “meaning” of the phenomena that affect humanity and society. It is the most relevant duty of human and social sciences to investigate the “meaning” of such phenomena.

Facts do not change. However, their interpretation does vary with varying perspectives. There are many examples of historical figures being evaluated completely differently due to different perspectives.

And it is not an exaggeration to say that we, researchers in human and social science studies, are working to change the way history or society is seen and understood. What would be your answers to the following questions?

  1. The majority of American people consider dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki a correct decision to save the lives of American soldiers. What do you think?
  2. A certain man repeatedly sexually molested children and served a prison term for his crimes; however, he was later released. Should the information about the man be disclosed to the community where he lives?
  3. According to textbooks, since the climate became warmer after the ice age, humans started to settle. However, no signs of human habitation have been discovered in lower-latitude regions where the climate was warm even in the ice age. What do you think about this?

It is difficult to explain the meaning of many events and phenomena, especially when we examine such examples. However, that is why this work is worth trying. I hope that many high school students come to study at the College of Human and Social Sciences, put forward questions that cannot be easily answered, and work hard to find answers to such questions!


Dean of the College of Human and Social Sciences
